Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Saddest Story

Let me tell you the saddest story I know. After I finish, you can tell me if you still think it’s inappropriate for the season – but I don’t think you will…

Many years ago, now, I happened to be working in a large office on V-Day, and one of my co-workers had been trying to work up the courage to ask out a woman from another department for nearly as long as I had known him. As far as I know he had no reason to assume failure; there was no great gap in age, rank, social status, wealth, education or relative attractiveness, and the woman in question wasn’t seeing anybody at the time. But my co-worker was (and presumably still is) painfully shy, and had been unable to even to speak with her beyond some occasional light banter. Consequently, nobody in the company knew he had a serious thing for this woman – not even the sort of office gossips you would expect to trade in that kind of information. I only know this story because he told me about it after the fact…

Anyway, for reasons unexplained (and probably inexplicable) my co-worker decided to have flowers delivered to the woman on Valentine’s Day with no note on it, not even a “Guess Who?” He settled on something nice, but not too showy, and planned to watch the delivery, wait for the usual round of admiration and speculation from the other people in our office, and then at the right moment fess up to being the guy behind the gift. I think it gave him an out – if the woman in our story was offended, outraged, disgusted, put off or whatever, he could just fade into the crowd and never admit to knowing anything about the situation. Whether you choose to see this as unfortunately timid or endearingly bashful is up to you, of course…

Unfortunately, in the event, it turned out that the woman receiving the flowers wasn’t quite as broken up from her ex-boyfriend as my co-worker had believed. She (quite logically) assumed that the flowers were from her ex, asking for another chance, and called to thank him. Her ex-boyfriend, who apparently hadn’t wanted to break up in the first place, seized his opportunity with both hands (whether or not he accepted credit for the gift wasn’t clear, but wouldn’t have mattered in the long run) and took the occasion to re-start their relationship. In hindsight, my co-worker admitted, he couldn’t blame the guy; he says he would have done the same thing, given the chance…

Would this story have come out differently if he’d had the nerve to put his name on the delivery? Or just go over to her desk and take credit for doing so? We’ll probably never know. Even if the gift-giver in our story made it through the day with face unslapped and actually got to date the woman he had the crush on, there’s no reason to believe that anything would have come of it. But I told you this story just on the off chance that somebody out there reading it (assuming anybody is reading this) is planning a similar stunt today…

I can’t tell you if your equivalent of this gesture will get you the person of your dreams, or a short but savage beating at the hands of a jealous boyfriend, or just a bill from a florist and a sad story for one of your associates (it would be a bit of a stretch to call him a friend) to blog about decades later. Maybe your story will turn out differently, and maybe you should drop the whole idea and try something else. But whatever you do, whatever it takes, find somebody to love. They’re only words on a computer screen, and you’ve heard them before, but you’ll be a poorer human being if you don’t take them to heart…

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone...

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